“The command has been to ‘Go’, but we have stayed — in body, gifts, prayer, and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth…but 99% of Christians have kept puttering around in the homeland.”


The Final Frontier of the Gospel

of the world’s population lives in Asia

of the world’s unreached people groups live in Asia

of all Christian giving worldwide goes to minister to those who speak English

Jfa Bible Workers

Jesus for Asia supports national Bible Workers in more than five countries.

While many of the ministries we support are crucial to the work in Asia, our Bible workers’ sole source of funding comes through your direct support of JFA.  Because of this, we want to give you this opportunity to learn more about these locally sourced and trained Bible Workers.

Bible Workers are one of the most cost-effective ways to truly grow the Kingdom of God. They are the voice, the face, and the presence of the Word of God. They go door to door, meet people, pray for them, and teach them the Bible and how to look to the Heavenly Father for blessings, hope, and eternal life.


  • They don’t have to buy an airplane ticket to get there.

  • They are able to mingle without being easily noticed.

  • They are intimately familiar with the culture.

  • They speak the local language of the people they are witnessing to.

  • A national Bible Worker can be sent out at a fraction of the cost of a Western missionary.

The BIBLE WORKER PROGRAM is the heart and soul of Jesus for Asia. It is one of the most effective ways we know of to spread the Gospel and develop groups of believers that stay long-term.

Not sure which project to donate to? You can donate to our Where Most Needed fund in order to make sure your funds are used quickly and go to the most urgent projects.

Missions for Asia

Discover the many mission projects that are going on in various parts of Asia right now and find out where you can help.

Donate to Jesus for Asia to reach the ministries that are in the greatest need

MissionTV is a 24/7 streaming channel dedicated to inspiring you to get involved in mission service. With shows from Jesus for Asia, ASAP, and many more ministries, you can hear exciting stories from the front lines, testimonies from the missionaries, and much more!

Watch at MissionTV.com, on 3ABN’s MySDATV, or on Roku.

SHARE these amazing outreach opportunities with friends and family.