The Verse That Changed Manik's Life

A JFA Bible Worker Story from Bangladesh

“The Bible verse we are going to study today is Proverbs 19:17: ‘He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, and He will pay back what he has given,’” Madurai* said.

Madurai is a JFA Bible Worker in Bangladesh. Every day he conducts a Bible class for the women and children in the village where he serves. Around 25 people, both Adventist and non-Adventist, regularly attend his class. On the day he shared this verse from Proverbs, a man named Manik was among the listening crowd.

Manik was known for being an angry and selfish man. He never wanted to help anyone with anything, but when he heard that verse and Madurai’s explanation, he began to feel ashamed of himself.

He realized how he lived his life was unkind and hurtful to others. He promised himself he would help anyone who asked him for anything.

After the class ended, Manik approached Madurai. He told him his promise and how the verse had impacted his life. Madurai was so happy to hear how God had changed Manik’s heart.

Please pray for God to continue using Madurai and our other Bible Workers to touch the lives of those they serve. 

If God is leading you to help enable the ministries of our Bible Workers in Bangladesh so they can continue teaching and sharing with those around them, please click the button below. 

*Name has been changed.


An Unexpected Helper 


Anywhere With Jesus