Working in conjunction with the Cambodia Adventist Mission and other Seventh-day Adventist supporting ministries, SALT Ministries in Cambodia operates with the purpose of advancing God’s work on Cambodian soil and beyond. Their strategy is to share the love of God through service-based ministry, and to help respondents grow in Christ and in productivity for His Kingdom. This is done primarily through a growing number of schools targeting primarily Adventist children, Butterfly Paradise Orphanage, and the multi-media productions from SALTCAM Media.

SALT Ministries currently operates Kantrok Adventist School, a K-12 school offering a strong vocational training emphasis and a bilingual curriculum to more than 300 students. The school also provides boarding facilities for 74 Adventist children. In addition, two small primary feeder schools operate in Siem Reap Province.

Butterfly Paradise Orphanage, formerly Wat Preah Yesu Children’s Home, is home to 105 children. The orphanage is located on the 40-acre Wat Preah Yesu Campus in Siem Reap Town.

SALTCAM Media produces evangelistic and health related videos in the Khmer language to help Cambodian Christians grow in faith and to lead others to a faith in Jesus Christ. Ellen G. White book translation is also undertaken, with the publishing rights being given to the Cambodia Adventist Mission. Graphics projects and video recording of conference presentations for church entities are also a part of what SALTCAM Media staff produce.

The Wat Preah Yesu campus is home to the Sombua Adventist Church, where three simultaneous worship services are held each Sabbath morning at 8 a.m.

SALT Ministries has operated since 1996 as a faith-based ministry. By God’s grace, Butterfly Paradise—a butterfly garden aimed at generating income through tourism—will shift SALT Ministries from being faith-based to a self-supporting ministry.

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