Thai Media Outreach

Thailand is a least-reached country, with very few spiritual resources available to the believer. There are no Thai Adventist TV channels and very few Ellen White books in Thai. In fact, in 2011, no Thai EGW books were available in the country. Our two JFA Media Teams in Thailand are recording sermons, testimonies, and other programs in four languages: Thai, Hmong, Karen, and Burmese. Our translation department has been translating Spirit of Prophecy books (including Our High Calling and The Desire of Ages) into Thai, Hmong, and Karen for the upbuilding of the Church and the proclamation of the Gospel. 

Reaching the Unreached Through Media

Our Jesus for Asia Thailand Media Team is an evangelistic media ministry positioned to support the technology needs of evangelism for the continent of Asia, particularly in the 10/40 Window, using digital media.

Digital media in all forms has been proven to be the most efficient way to reach the masses who do not have access to traditional means of delivering the Gospel.

Countless towns and villages in Thailand have no Christian presence or influence. But the people in these towns and villages have access to technology such as DVD players, smartphones, or the Internet. 

Our Thai Media Teams play a key role in fulfilling the Great Commission in Asia by the development, production, logistics, and distribution of media evangelism content in the languages and context of the people living in Thailand and some of the surrounding countries. 

Social media broadcasting has become a significant method for spreading the Gospel in Thailand. Nearly everyone is connected to platforms like Facebook in YouTube. These platforms allow people to interact with what they are watching and share with their friends, enabling programs to have a much greater reach than we could on our own. 

Satellite broadcasting seems to be the premier way to broadcast the Gospel over the 10/40 window because it uses one launching pad to reach a vast audience; by reaching into the millions of towns and villages spread out across the continent of Asia, satellite broadcasting touches the unreached.


Our teams in Thailand produce a variety of long and short-form videos to share on Facebook and YouTube. Since most Thai people are Buddhist, many of our programs are created for people who do not have a Christian Worldview. We praise the Lord for the increasing views of many of these programs. At least one of our newer series has had almost 2,000 views, and some of our other programs have had more than 20,000 views. We pray that these programs will be one of God's many methods of encouraging church members and reaching people in darkness. 

God provided us with two studios in Thailand where our teams film and edit videos. Our teams also travel around Thailand to record sermons and testimonies. Having two media teams allows us to produce more videos in more languages than we would otherwise be able to. 



Our translation department is translating books and Bible study guides into Thai, Hmong, and Karen. There are very, very few of Ellen White’s writings available in Thai, so they are an urgent need for the upbuilding of the Church and sharing the character of Christ to those who have never heard. Some of our team’s projects include Our High Calling and The Desire of Ages into Thai and Last Day Events in Hmong. 

Click the link to learn more about the Thailand TV Studio and the LFA Foundation office building, the home base for the production and translation teams, click here.  

Thai Media Outreach

Timor Leste Mission


“Love for Asia” Foundation - Thailand